Scott Mackey
Graphic Designer based in Pullman, Washington.
I’m Scott though most call me by my last name. I grew up exploring the deserts around Phoenix and eventually received a BS in Conservation Biology from Arizona State University in 2005. This has nothing to do with my work designing digital assets and developing e-mail newsletters for Northwest River Supplies. I consider myself a curious person, continuously exposing myself to new information and experiences — seeking adventure & tacos, finding creativity in nature, and avoiding the commercial market whilst depending on it.
Much of this blog covers mini-expeditions into the wilds of the pacific northwest. Stereotypical PNW hiking and cycling behaviors are commonly exhibited in attempts to gain access to rare geographic high-points, low-points, and all that lies between.
More recently, the introduction of ham radio has infiltrated these outdoor exploits in the form of Summits On The Air (SOTA) peak activations.
If you’d like to contact me, please do so via the electronic mail: speedgoat23 at gmail dot com